Benazir Bhutto

Montag, 31. Dezember 2007

I can`t believe it...

what the fuck is the world doing. They are shooting politicians like rabbits in any godamn country they like to. It brought me down like the explosion itself that there is another country which is going to sink in a chaos. The murdering of Benazir Bhutto is a desastre. It will give organisations just like Al Quaida the oportunity of implanting their politics overthere. The democratic movements of the PPP party had followed a tough way of punishment and discrimination not only with the killing of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the father of Benazir in 1979. A lot of other mysterious deaths in the tragic history of that familiy, for example the deaths of two brothers of Benazir, had shown the difficult way of pakistani democracy in the past and will show it with her son as the official leader of the party in the future. The world shoudn`t just watch without acting at a scenery in which Musharraf will hold the strings in his hands and will bring the pakistani country a bit closer to another radical position which won`t help in the Middle East dialogue. I just wanted to show my deep sadness and hope that anyone things about the consecuences for now and further on. Don`t bury our world, because already now we`re suiciding our own western democratic values because we`re scared of our death. And that`s the point we`re already facing. If the politics putting laws against terrorism, there actually not beating the terrorists but they stealing us our democratic rights. That`s a consecuence of what`s happen in the Middle East and will effect us as long as politicians are telling us that we have to limitate our rights to front that terror. Anyone who understands that, will stop beeing scared about a war, which isn`t a war, but a weapon for a few idiots on the one hand and a instrument for our goverments to put there laws of controling us completly. Think about it, it just happened a couple of weeks ago in your own frontyard. Beside that, give her a second and think about her as a human beeing who got shot and bombed and died for her thoughts. Not everybody can name himself that consequent.

sterben fuer demokratie

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